Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage
We are formed of over 1400 civil society member organisations in over 100 countries working collectively to end child, early and forced marriages and unions (CEFMU) so that girls can fulfil their potential.
What we do
We leverage the collective power of our member organisations and work with National and State Partnerships and coalitions to drive accelerated action to end child marriage.
We mobilise the wider global movement to end child marriage, pushing for transformative change at national, regional and global levels through advocacy and collaboration.
We generate and share knowledge, foster learning and amplify evidence to strengthen efforts to end child marriage across the movement and beyond.
Our partnership is made up of more than 1400 organisations in over 100 countries

Child marriage atlas
Explore the latest data on child marriage rates, trends, and progress across regions worldwide with our interactive tool. The Atlas offers detailed country profiles, highlighting the challenges and the global efforts to end child marriage.